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Here are a few resources to get you headed in the right direction.

See you in our Strategy Session

Review a Few Success Stories

“…it’s all being done from my cell phone and laptop, and we’re talking TONS of premium and commission…”

-Juan B.

“…you’ve added added an additional half a million dollars to my revenue… “

-Kara S., CLTC

“…$1.2 million in a 401k that she wants to roll over…”

-Eagle-Star B.

From refund request to $60k+ commission clients…

-Jason S.

$60,000+ in Commission…

-Francisco S.

From no online presence to 6-figure clients in 2 hours…

-Jacob R.

$8,000+ in less than 3 weeks

-Mike M.

“There’s a wide gap between you and your competition…

-Tim T.

$1,000,000 Annuity from LinkedIn

-Kim C.
"...I just submitted the application for him, and it's $50,000 per year, with a target premium of about $25,000!"
- Jay H.
"I've never been into digital marketing in any way, shape or form, let alone social media. I barely even knew how to log into my own Facebook account! Now I have over 16,000 connections on LinkedIn and have people reaching out to ME weekly with real cases and business. It's been a game changer."
- Rick B., JD, MAcc, CFP
rick bailey headshot
... I'm only about a week into it, and the deliverables were very professional and impressive. I have been building funnels, but his stuff is top notch! But did it work? Well, I just started rolling out the proven offer, and already I've had 4 people respond and one person book an appointment and I had a great conversation with a young guy who I have a real good feeling about. This is literally less than a full week after rolling it out!"
- Tony F., MDRT, Top of the Table Member
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All Implemented & Optimized For You...


Tax-Free Retirement Campaign


Retirement Planning Video Campaign


Retirement Income Protection Campaign


Annuity Campaign


Life Insurance Policy Review Campaign

Plus 6 More Campaigns, Spanning 12+ Months!

No more messing with technology, figuring out what the "next campaign" is, or wondering where your next client is coming from...

Review FAQ's

We only work with ONE advisor per zip code (in some markets, one advisor owns multiple zip codes based on market sizes). Typically, each zip code / zip code cluster will have a 5-15 mile radius. If your zip code is taken, you can put a $500 deposit down to be placed on the waitlist.

The High Premium Attraction System™ was made for Life Insurance & Financial Professional who want to work with Business Owners, High Income Earning Professionals, and High Net Worth Individuals without door knocking, cold calls, or paying for ads.

While this depends on several factors (e.g., your market, sales skills, ideal client, etc.), it’s common for our Trained Advisors to get their first leads within 7 days and a few quick wins in the first 2-3 weeks (see a few examples in the success stories above). Of course, most of your top prospects already work with an advisor, so we have various bolt-on options to help you provide consistent value over 18+ months to each qualified prospect.

We send you a compliance package to see if your compliance department requires any customizations. Our system is built with compliance in mind, so oftentimes the only alterations are adding additional department-specific disclaimers.

We don’t hire VAs to spam people with requests to get on a sales pitch. The High Premium Attraction System™ was made BY Life Insurance & Financial Professional, so we know how to provide value that gets business owners, high net worth individuals, and successful professionals to consider Tax-Advantaged Strategies that they haven’t heard about before.